Along with their employees and families, UOB Thailand organised the 2022 UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk event at Chatuchak Park on Sunday, October 16, 2022, which also happened to be World Food Day. Additionally, executives, employees, customers, and partners are cordially invited and encouraged to donate at least 2 kilograms of rice to the Scholars of Sustenance Thailand this year so that the foundation can gather and distribute this assistance to individuals in many provinces, including vulnerable groups and those who have suffered flood disasters in various regions of Thailand. UOB Thailand will continue to accept rice donations until the end of October at UOB Plaza Bangkok and UOB Phet Kasem.
The event also emphasized the concept of Zero Waste, cultivating employees not to create waste as well as reducing food waste in their daily lives. More importantly, the foundation also received donations of surplus food that occurred after the event, such as cooked food, fresh fruit and vegetables, and drinking water, accounting for 4,336 kilograms. We will distribute this surplus food to 7 communities in Bang Sue that are facing flooding problems, including Rajsub Community 168 families, Tuk Daeng Ruamjai Pattana Community 105 families, Rama 6 Community 58 families, Tuk Daeng Community 2 120 families, Tuk Daeng Muang Mai 3 Community 109 families, Namngen 2 Community 30 families, and Mankhongkalayamitra Cooperative Community 200 families, totaling 790 families. As a consequence of this donation, we can create a sustainable environment by lowering greenhouse gas emissions equal to 10,970.08 kgs of CO2e.
Foundation would like to thanks the administrative team and UOB employees for not sitting on the fence on such a complex issue and emphasizing the importance of leaving no one behind on this World Food Day.
