From the mid of 2020 until the beginning of this year, Allianz Ayudhya has been committed to supporting SOS's mission to improve food equity and reduce food waste in Thailand. We would like to take this opportunity to officially say "Thank you so much".
First of all, we were so grateful to have the Allianz Ayudhya team joining our Rescue Kitchen in Pra Jen Community the last November. It's such a great way to encourage corporate employees to give back to society together. That day we distribute 7,267 nutritious meals. After the Covid-19 pandemic, most of Pra Jen community members lost their jobs, which means they lost their income to sustain their daily lives. (Watch the video here: https://bit.ly/3jlWAWG)
And then they organized the Charity Market the last December to invite everyone in the company to join a good sustainable workshop and shop for a good cause which all the revenue was donated to us. (See the picture, read articles at https://bit.ly/3rue2Lz and https://bit.ly/36JN1fg)
And lastly, not long ago, Mr. Thomas Wilson, President, and CEO, and Miss Patchara Taveechaiwattana, Chief Customer Officer, Allianz Ayudhya Assurance, donated THB 100,000 from the Charity Market 2020 event and THB 600,000 support from the firm, making a total of THB 700,000 donation, to us. This really emphasized the firm’s mission on sustainable development.
Thank you so much again, Allianz Ayudhya for always supporting us!