SOS Chiang Mai Branch has started its operations!!
Scholars of Sustenance Foundation is pleased to announce that we have officially started operations to rescue surplus food and help vulnerable communities in Chiang Mai now!.
Chiang Mai is a big city that is both beautiful and livable and is a top destination for traveling. But there are still some environmental problems that need to be solved and SOS Thailand is committed to being part of solving those problems by focusing on the food waste issue as we are specialized in. The fact is that every day in Chiang Mai, there are 849 tons of solid waste and more than 50% is organic waste, including good and still edible food that may be discarded. While more than a hundred thousand people live under the poverty line and have high risks to the current economic conditions that affect their livelihoods including access to human basic needs such as food, etc. Therefore, we have expanded our operations to the North, so that we can help many remote communities up there as well.
If you are from Chiang Mai whether you are the owner of a restaurant, hotel, market, or individual who want to support us to help the communities, you can contact Khun Bom (Chiang Mai Branch Manager) to donate food or volunteer at
or support us by making a donation at
Account number: 113-8-73697-4 Kasikorn Bank
Account name: Scholars of Sustenance Foundation